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I have been asked to write a brief about my year as GM and I will make it very brief. Well this is not an easy task as it was a few years ago and the year went past in a blur. As always there were a few hassles but there were lots of good times. A lot of this I have to thank my committee for as they all worked hard and made things work.

What will the year be remembered for?? The runs ALWAYS started on time. The wine was always cold (so was the medicine) thanks to Part Timer, who has been very quiet since then. Also Metal Mickeys bed pan that he used to bring along every week FROZEN. The Year of The Ice.

It was also the year when the Planning for Nash Hash 97 moved up another gear. Norwest started to make noises that they were putting in a bid to host Nash Hash 97. I do pride myself with coming up with the name “The Gourmet Gallop”. We did start putting out flyers and sending out faxes to other Hash clubs and collected proxy votes from clubs who were not going to be represented at Marlbourgh. There were numerous Norwesters who put a lot of effort into publicising our intent of bidding for Nash Hash 97, that my job at Marlbourgh was made easy when I got up to address the GM’s meeting. The opposition disappeared and Norwest was on the board we had Nash Hash 97 “The Gourmet Gallop”.

Another fact that surfaced that year was that whenever Scruffy set a run, and he did a few that year as Trail Master, and he had a co-hare it was not a great success. But then Scruffy did organise some good ones. We had our first run at Pare Prison and Shirt run. Then there were two Bus runs. The 350th. Will I ever forget Flipper rolling down that muddy hill. That was a great run through the forest with hot showers at the Rugby club. Then the Coast to Coast, another Scruffy idea that worked out really well.

All I can say is thanks to my Committee that did a great job and worked as a team. I am proud to have had the opportunity to be a GM of Norwest it was a great experience and a great year.



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Drawing of GM on this page adapted from original drawing by Trollup

Copyright © 2000, MADD-ON-ER
Page updated: 12th May 2002